Monday, March 13, 2017

Write 80386 ALP to implement multitasking. Where each task is supposed to change the color of the text displayed at the center of the screen

                                            Savitribai Phule Pune University
                            Second Year of Computer Engineering (2015 Course)
                                                     210257: Microprocessor Lab

                                                                Assignment No.14

Problem Statement: Write 80386 ALP to implement multitasking. Where each task is supposed to change the color of the text displayed at the center of the screen.


code segment
     assume cs:code,ds:code
start: mov ax,cs
     mov ds,ax
       mov cl,0
       mov ch,0

task1: inc cl
     cmp cl,09
       je exit
     mov ax,0b800h
       mov es,ax
       mov si,1830

       mov al,'*'
     mov ah,93h
     mov es:[si],ax
     inc bl
     mov al,bl
     add al,30h
     mov ah,93h
     inc si
      inc si

       mov es:[si],ax
       call delay

     jmp task2

task2: inc ch
     cmp ch,09
     je exit
     mov ax,0b800h
     mov es,ax
     mov si,840
     mov al,'$'
      mov ah,0A1h
     mov es:[si],ax
     inc bh
     mov al,bh
     add al,30h
     mov ah,0A1h
     inc si
     inc si

     mov es:[si],ax
       call delay

    jmp task1

    delay proc near
    mov ax,0fffh
    d2:mov dx,0fffh
     dec dx
    jnz d1
    dec ax
    jnz d2

    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h

code ends
end start

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