Thursday, March 9, 2017

Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array.

                                                    Savitribai Phule Pune University
                            Second Year of Computer Engineering (2015 Course)
                                                     210257: Microprocessor Lab

                                                                Assignment No. 1 

Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array.

section .data

nline db 10,10
nline_len equ  $-nline

arr dd  -11111111H, 22222222H, -33333333H, -44444444H, -55555555H
arr_size equ 5

pmsg db   10,10,"The no. of Positive elements in 32-bit array:"
pmsg_len equ $-pmsg

nmsg  db  10,10,"The no. of Negative elements in 32-bit array:"

nmsg_len equ $-nmsg

section  .bss

p_count  resq   01
n_count  resq   01
dnumbuff resb   02

%macro display 2
    mov rax,01
    mov rdi,01
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdx,%2


section .text
global   _start

    mov    esi, arr
    mov    ecx,5         ;Arraay counter i.e.5   
    mov    ebx,0;        ; counter for     +ve nos.
    mov    edx,0;        ; counter for    -ve nos.

    mov    eax,[esi]    ; take no. in RAX
    rcl    eax,1        ; rotate left 1 bit to check for sign bit
    jc    negative

    inc    ebx            ; no carry, so no. is +ve
    jmp    next

    inc    edx            ; carry, so no. is -ve

    add  esi,4                ; 32 bit nos i.e. 4 bytes
    loop next_num

    mov [p_count], ebx        ; store positive count
    mov [n_count], edx        ; store negative count

    display pmsg, pmsg_len
    mov ebx,[p_count]         ; load value of p_count in rax
    call disp8_proc           ; display p_count

    display nmsg, nmsg_len
    mov ebx,[n_count]        ; load value of n_count in rax
    call  disp8_proc         ; display n_count

    display    nline, nline_len


    mov rax,60        ;Exit
    mov rbx,00

    mov edi,dnumbuff    ;point edi to buffer
    mov ecx,02        ;load number of digits to display

    rol bl,4        ;rotate number left by four bits
    mov dl,bl       ;move lower byte in dl
    and dl,0fh      ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
    add dl,30h      ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
    cmp dl,39h      ;compare with 39h
    jbe dispskip1   ;if less than 39h akip adding 07 more
    add dl,07h      ;else add 07

    mov [edi],dl     ;store ASCII code in buffer
    inc edi          ;point to next byte
    loop dispup1     ;decrement the count of digits to display
                     ;if not zero jump to repeat

    display dnumbuff,2    


;[root@localhost A1]# nasm -f elf64 A1.asm
;[root@localhost A1]# ld -o A1 A1.o
;[root@localhost A1]# ./A1

;The no. of Positive elements in 32-bit array :    01

;The no. of Negative elements in 32-bit array :    04

;[root@localhost A1]#


  1. Please provide x86_64 bit program for count positive and negative numbers. Also need more expalnation, as i m new to the microprocessor

    1. Which part of to this program,you want to more explanation?

    2. Sir,can you plz explain the display procedure.

  2. for some reason when i wrote the program esi isn't going on the next element.Its checking the first element correctly and then checking the same thing again and again n times

    1. Share the code, there might be some error in that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. can you tell how to display address of variables
