Savitribai Phule Pune University
Second Year of Computer Engineering (2015 Course)
210257: Microprocessor Lab
Assignment No.2A
Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
;Assignmnet No. 2A
;Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block ;transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block ;containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Non-overlapped Block Transfer
section .data
menumsg db 10,'##Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer##',10
db 10,'1.Block Transfer without using string instructions'
db 10,'2.Block Transfer with using string instructions'
db 10,'3.Exit',10
menumsg_len equ $-menumsg
blk_bfrmsg db 10,'Block contents before transfer'
blk_bfrmsg_len equ $-blk_bfrmsg
blk_afrmsg db 10,'Block contents after transfer'
blk_afrmsg_len equ $-blk_afrmsg
srcmsg db 10,'Source block contents::'
srcmsg_len equ $-srcmsg
dstmsg db 10,'Destination block contents::'
dstmsg_len equ $-dstmsg
srcblk db 01h,02h,03h,04h,05h
dstblk db 00,00,00,00,00
spacechar db 20h
spchlength equ $-spacechar
;****************.bss Section***************************
section .bss
optionbuff resb 02
dispbuff resb 02
%macro display 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro accept 2
mov rax,00
mov rdi,00
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
;*******************.text Section**************************
section .text
global _start
display blk_bfrmsg,blk_bfrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
menu: display menumsg,menumsg_len
accept optionbuff,02
cmp byte [optionbuff],31h
je wos
cmp byte [optionbuff],32h
je ws
exit: mov rax,60 ;Exit
mov rbx,00
;**************Display Source Block Procedure****************
display srcmsg,srcmsg_len
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rcx,05h
up1:push rcx
mov bl,[rsi]
push rsi
call disp8_proc
display spacechar,spchlength
pop rsi
inc rsi
pop rcx
loop up1
;**************Display Destination Block Procedure*************
display dstmsg,dstmsg_len
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
up2:push rcx
mov bl,[rdi]
push rdi
call disp8_proc
display spacechar,spchlength
pop rdi
inc rdi
pop rcx
loop up2
;**************Without String Procedure************
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
again: mov bl,[rsi]
mov [rdi],bl
inc rsi
inc rdi
loop again
display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
jmp menu
;************Using String Procedure****************
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
cld rep movsb
display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
jmp menu
;************Display Procedure********************
mov rsi,dispbuff
mov rcx,02
rol bl,4
mov dl,bl
and dl,0Fh
cmp dl,09H
jbe dskip
add dl,07h
dskip:add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
inc rsi
loop dup1
display dispbuff,02
;[root@localhost A2]# nasm -f elf64 Ass2A.asm
;[root@localhost A2]# ld -o Ass2A Ass2A.o
;[root@localhost A2]# ./Ass2A
;Block contents before transfer
;Source block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;Destination block contents::00 00 00 00 00
;##### Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer #####
;1.Block Transfer without using string instructions
;2.Block Transfer with using string instructions
;Block contents after transfer
;Source block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;Destination block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;##### Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer #####
;1.Block Transfer without using string instructions
;2.Block Transfer with using string instructions
;[root@localhost A2]#
Second Year of Computer Engineering (2015 Course)
210257: Microprocessor Lab
Assignment No.2A
Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
;Assignmnet No. 2A
;Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block ;transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block ;containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Non-overlapped Block Transfer
section .data
menumsg db 10,'##Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer##',10
db 10,'1.Block Transfer without using string instructions'
db 10,'2.Block Transfer with using string instructions'
db 10,'3.Exit',10
menumsg_len equ $-menumsg
blk_bfrmsg db 10,'Block contents before transfer'
blk_bfrmsg_len equ $-blk_bfrmsg
blk_afrmsg db 10,'Block contents after transfer'
blk_afrmsg_len equ $-blk_afrmsg
srcmsg db 10,'Source block contents::'
srcmsg_len equ $-srcmsg
dstmsg db 10,'Destination block contents::'
dstmsg_len equ $-dstmsg
srcblk db 01h,02h,03h,04h,05h
dstblk db 00,00,00,00,00
spacechar db 20h
spchlength equ $-spacechar
;****************.bss Section***************************
section .bss
optionbuff resb 02
dispbuff resb 02
%macro display 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro accept 2
mov rax,00
mov rdi,00
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
;*******************.text Section**************************
section .text
global _start
display blk_bfrmsg,blk_bfrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
menu: display menumsg,menumsg_len
accept optionbuff,02
cmp byte [optionbuff],31h
je wos
cmp byte [optionbuff],32h
je ws
exit: mov rax,60 ;Exit
mov rbx,00
;**************Display Source Block Procedure****************
display srcmsg,srcmsg_len
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rcx,05h
up1:push rcx
mov bl,[rsi]
push rsi
call disp8_proc
display spacechar,spchlength
pop rsi
inc rsi
pop rcx
loop up1
;**************Display Destination Block Procedure*************
display dstmsg,dstmsg_len
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
up2:push rcx
mov bl,[rdi]
push rdi
call disp8_proc
display spacechar,spchlength
pop rdi
inc rdi
pop rcx
loop up2
;**************Without String Procedure************
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
again: mov bl,[rsi]
mov [rdi],bl
inc rsi
inc rdi
loop again
display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
jmp menu
;************Using String Procedure****************
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
cld rep movsb
display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
call dispsrc_blk_proc
call dispdest_blk_proc
jmp menu
;************Display Procedure********************
mov rsi,dispbuff
mov rcx,02
rol bl,4
mov dl,bl
and dl,0Fh
cmp dl,09H
jbe dskip
add dl,07h
dskip:add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
inc rsi
loop dup1
display dispbuff,02
;[root@localhost A2]# nasm -f elf64 Ass2A.asm
;[root@localhost A2]# ld -o Ass2A Ass2A.o
;[root@localhost A2]# ./Ass2A
;Block contents before transfer
;Source block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;Destination block contents::00 00 00 00 00
;##### Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer #####
;1.Block Transfer without using string instructions
;2.Block Transfer with using string instructions
;Block contents after transfer
;Source block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;Destination block contents::01 02 03 04 05
;##### Menu for Non-overlapped Block Transfer #####
;1.Block Transfer without using string instructions
;2.Block Transfer with using string instructions
;[root@localhost A2]#
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