Thursday, March 9, 2017

Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment(i.e.overlapped Block Transfer)

                                                    Savitribai Phule Pune University
                            Second Year of Computer Engineering (2015 Course)
                                                     210257: Microprocessor Lab

                                                                Assignment No.2B

Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment. 
;Assignmnet No. 2B
;Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block ;transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block ;containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; overlapped Block Transfer

section .data
    menumsg db 10,'##Menu for overlapped Block Transfer##',10
        db 10,'1.Block Overlap without using string instructions'
        db 10,'2.Block Overlap with using string instructions'
        db 10,'3.Exit',10,10
    menumsg_len equ $-menumsg

    blk_bfrmsg db 10,10,'Block contents before Overlap'
    blk_bfrmsg_len equ $-blk_bfrmsg

    blk_afrmsg db 10,'Block contents after Overlap',10
    blk_afrmsg_len equ $-blk_afrmsg

    srcmsg db 10,'Source block contents::'
    srcmsg_len equ $-srcmsg

    posmsg db 10,10,10,'Enter position to overlap::'
    posmsg_len equ $-posmsg
    spacechar db 20h
    spchlength equ $-spacechar

    srcblk db 01h,02h,03h,04h,05h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h

;**********.bss Section**********************

section .bss
    optionbuff resb 02
    dispbuff resb 02
    numascii resb 03
    pos resb 00

%macro display 2
    mov rax,01
    mov rdi,01
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdx,%2

%macro accept 2
    mov rax,00
    mov rdi,00
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdx,%2

;**********Text Section**********************

section .text
    global _start
    display blk_bfrmsg,blk_bfrmsg_len
    call disp_src_blk_proc

    display posmsg,posmsg_len
    accept numascii,3

    call packnum_proc

menu:    display menumsg,menumsg_len
         accept optionbuff,02

         cmp byte [optionbuff],31H
         je wos
         cmp byte [optionbuff],32H           
         je ws      
    mov rax,60        ;Exit
    mov rbx,00
;**********Display Block Procedure**********************

        display srcmsg,srcmsg_len
        mov rsi,srcblk
        mov rcx,05h
        add cl,[pos]
    up1:push rcx
        mov bl,[rsi]
        push rsi
        call disp8_proc

        display spacechar,spchlength
        pop rsi
        inc rsi
        pop rcx
        loop up1

;************Without String Procedure***************
    mov rsi,srcblk+4
    mov rdi,rsi
    add rdi,[pos]

    mov rcx,05
    mov al,[rsi]
    mov [rdi],al
    dec rsi
    dec rdi
    loop blkup1

    display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
    call disp_src_blk_proc

    jmp exit
;************Using String Procedure****************
    mov esi,srcblk+4
    mov edi,esi
    add edi,[pos]

    mov ecx,05

    rep movsb

    display blk_afrmsg,blk_afrmsg_len
    call disp_src_blk_proc

    jmp exit

;************Display Procedure********************
    mov ecx,2
    mov edi,dispbuff
       rol bl,4
       mov al,bl
       and al,0fh
       cmp al,09
       jbe dskip
       add al,07h
dskip: add al,30h
       mov [edi],al
       inc edi
       loop dup1

    display dispbuff,2

;************Packnum Procedure********************
    mov bx,0
    mov ecx,2   
    mov esi,numascii
up2:    rol bl,4
    mov al,[esi]
    sub al,30h
    cmp al,09h
    jbe skip5
    sub al,07h
    add bl,al
    inc esi
    loop up2
    mov [pos],bl

;[root@localhost MIT2016]# nasm -f elf64 Ass2B.asm
;[root@localhost MIT2016]# ld -o Ass2B Ass2B.o
;[root@localhost MIT2016]# ./Ass2B

;Block contents before Overlap
;Source block contents::01 02 03 04 05

;Enter position to overlap::02

;## Menu for overlapped Block Transfer ##

;1.Block Overlap without using string instructions
;2.Block Overlap with using string instructions


;Block contents after Overlap

;Source block contents::01 02 01 02 03 04 05 

[root@localhost MIT2016]#


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